Sunday, September 29, 2019

Man[goes] to Germany

Heute besuchen wir Deutschland. Wunderbar!
(German for: Today we visit Germany. Wonderful!)

Why don't we start off with a meme (Ich habe es selbst gemacht.)






You didn't see that coming did you! Did you!
Such a clear depiction of the Nazi regime.

However, this week's post is dedicated not related to persecution of the Jews nor the war itself, but the destruction of non-German and anti-Nazi books.

You can check out the specific details of the books that the Nazis burned (according to the Nazis) in sites like Wikipedia. 

More than the Nazis, it was the students of more than 400 universities that burned around 25,000 volumes in the square at the State Opera, Berlin. If you think about it comparatively, this event is not so bad or at least not the worst. There are lot of restrictions in China, North Korea, and a few other nations. The Soviets placed more restrictions and burned books.

But I will say Hitler was a sort of hypocrite. Some of his favorite books were burned. 
Going back to the students, this event really showed that the people would listen to the Nazis. Hitler would actually set many similar tests to see if the people would listen to him. Kinda smart eh! These tests allowed him to gradually increase grip around Germany.

Sometimes I wish I could be in Hitler's position. He had such a good position. And what did he do! Persecute the Jews and destroy a country because of the ideological with Stalin. I will talk about this in a later post. The psychological war between the world leaders in WW2 was a big part that is not often discussed.

Also, Trump should be really careful of what he says. I mean like I don't like him (except for the fact that he is a big meme) or hate him, but seriously!

Ich habe es auch selbst gemacht.

FBI please no! Let me finish my b t8=[ yioy0h.l..]

This is the FBI. We will be shutting this blog down for treason. Do not listen to this BS.

Instead look at some Deutsch scenery:

Do you prefer having the memes?
Please just some topics that you would like to read about.

The End

This post was dedicated to Matthew's lost

Synthesis Essay (9/23/19 - 9/23/19)


Sunday, September 22, 2019

Man[Goes] to Norway

Henry David Thoreau wrote in his essay Civil Disobedience that he is freer (free + er) in jail than outside. So, he'd rather be in jail?

Well, most of us would rather not go into jail or prison right. Especially not PRISON! At least, not with the traditional prisons we see in America. Enter "humane" prisons.

The "humane" prison concept was designed to provide more freedom for the prisoners and a "real world" feel. "Humane" prisons have mostly been implemented in western Europe and Scandinavia. These prisons focus more on rehabilitation than punishment. 

The most important aspect of "humane" prisons is the layout. Most prisons are designed with the idea of fitting the most prisoners and easier transport of prisoners. These prisons often come in the "courtyard," "telephone," or "radial" layouts. Meanwhile, "humane" prisons built in the "campus."
This layout separates the different facilities, forcing the inmates to move around. Even the trees inside the prison perimeter are carefully. For example, tall birch trees are planted to distract from the perimeter walls.

Image result for types of prison layouts

Image result for humane prison design

 The above layout is of Halden Prison, Norway. No[r]way. No, yes way. It "detains" around 250 individuals, close to its maximum capacity. Most of the ideas that I presented earlier were voiced by the governor of this prison. Even though it is a maximum security prison, its inner guards are unarmed. This facilitates a more communal environment. There are game rooms, communal rooms, etc. The prison has often been criticized for being like a hotel. The prisoners are are even served steaming tall stacks of heart shaped waffles with jam.
(Hopefully it's not mango, because believe me, mango jam does not taste good.)

Image result for halden prison

 Image result for halden prison

I mostly agree with the ideology behind "humane" prisons. These prisons allow prisoners to be released ready for the world. If prisoners continue to be violent, they can be moved to other places. However, the implementation of these prisons don't come cheap. The Halden prison cost about $130 million. Also, Norway has a lower proportion of criminals than other countries, about a sixth of the United States.

So, what's your opinion?

 Now, here's some Norwegian scenery:

 Image result for norway

 Image result for norway

 Image result for norwegian scenery

 The End

Note: Most of the textual edits are intentional. I am addressing this because there were a couple of complaints. For example, I made the knife with blood dripping from it using words in the last blog post. I also split the countries I gave as examples and colored them red.
(Ex: So      uth             S   uda   n)
Hint: What happens to a country when a civil war breaks out.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Man[goes] to Rwanda

"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it" 

- Mark Twain

But what if "your country" is not really your country. What if somebody else that has no relation to your people or culture created your country? What if the people your culture were separated due to the creation of this country? What if your country is composed of tribes of people who were and are hostile to each other?

Such divisions occurred with much of Africa, British India, and others after the era of colonialism.
We will look at one such example, Rwanda.

Image result for rwanda

 Image result for rwanda

Beautiful, right?








But what if you saw it in June of 1994, during the Rwandan Genocide. Warning!










Image result for rwandan genocide

 Image result for rwandan genocide

That escalated quickly.
Well, that's real exposure.
 For example, if Charles
Winston, CEO of Tropical
Smoothie Cafe, was exposed 
to my type of mangoes, he 
would immediately order 
all locations start using 
Indian mangoes instead of those Costa Rican mangoes, or whatever they use. 
My point is that being a mango is scary.
This is the same fear that people living in
countries like Rwanda face, especially if
you are a minority. During the Rwandan
Genocide, between 500,000 to 1,000,000
 people were killed, including children
and babies. The uncertainty in those
numbers itself shows how carelessly
and ruthlessly people were slaughtered 
like cattle. About 75% of the Tutsi
 population was killed. The people
targeted were people of the Tutsi
 and Twa tribes. The population of
 the Tutsi tribe is split between
several countries just like
many other tribes. So, are
 the Tutsis supposed to
feel patriotism for
 a country that
 is not theirs
 and has



These conflicts have appeared everywhere in the world:
The               De     mocra tic     Rep  ublic      of   the     Co   ng o
 Su       dan                  
So      uth             S   uda    n
Y           em                  en                           
Sy                    ria
I       ra           q
Cen            tral     A       fric            an         Re        pub           lic

 This kind of proves the saying "Survival of the fittest"
The conflicts in Africa started with the colonialism of Africa. However, the division of continent without regard to the culture and voices of the people residing there was outrageous. Now we must help those countries gain stability.

Now back to some Rwandan scenery:

 Image result for rwanda

 Image result for rwanda

 Image result for rwanda

 The End!


Sunday, September 8, 2019

Man[goes] to Switzerland

Let us take a small quiz. Which of the following statements are false?
i)   All 50 states of America have memorials from bot World Wars.
ii)  I am a human.
iii) Switzerland has memorials dedicated to both World Wars.
iv) Donald Trump is our current president.
v)  The iPhone 11's camera is going to ugly.

So, which is false? 
It was a trick question. All of them are true.

Yes, yes, Switzerland does have memorials, like the "the Cenotaph" in London, of both World Wars. It mobilized its military during both wars, though more considerably during the second. 

At the start of the first World War, the Swiss had mobilized a force of 220,000 men under the newly appointed commander Ulrich Wille. Their main purpose was to defend the borders, especially from stray foreign units and trenches. This war lasted from July, 1914 to November, 1918. During the course of the war, the Swiss Army slowly demobilized with some increases in number due to various fears. 

There were about 3000 Swiss casualties, two thirds of them succumbing to the Spanish Flu. However, the others were killed by conflicts due to misunderstandings, 
stray fire, biplane crashes, etc.

Image result for swiss world war 1 memorials
Photo: 18 meter high Forchdenkmal (Forch Monument), also known as the Soldiers' Monument, at Forch, in the suburbs of Zurich

If you think Switzerland mobilizing 220,000 men during World War 1, when its population was 3.5 million, without entering the war is a big deal, then what about World War 2. It mobilized a peak of 880,000 soldiers, including women, during World War 2, due to the fear of invasion from Nazi Germany. There were many small skirmishes between the course of the war. The Swiss Air Force even shot down 11 German aircraft, ironically, using its German made fighters and anti-aircraft guns. Not only did the Swiss have problems with the Germans, but also the Allies. Allied bombers often "accidentally" bombed parts of Switzerland, resulting in casualties. So, even though the Swiss never fought in both wars, there were still casualties who are remembered today in the form of memorials.

Geneva 2006 796.JPG
Above: A memorial dedicated to the dead soldiers from Geneva, Switzerland of both World Wars

However, Switzerland did make heavy profits during both World Wars. Germany being blockaded by the British forced them to trade with Switzerland.

Image result for switzerland in world war meme
Above: Here we have a meme about Switzerland

Well, history lesson is over.
And here I am, wandering around the streets of Zurich, hoping that nobody is going to put in their basket. No!!! Nooo!!!! 
I don't want to become part of fricking Mango Swiss Roll 
even if it will be delicious. 

Image result for mango swiss roll
Photo Credits:

BTW, did you know that refrigeration only helps in elongating freshness for a short amount of time, as in days. It actually speeds up rotting after this period.

Now you can enjoy some Swiss scenery:

Image result for swiss scenery

Image result for swiss scenery

Image result for swiss scenery

Image result for swiss lake