Sunday, December 15, 2019

Man[goes] to Government (Puzzle Paragraph 1)

The extents of eminent domain are very controversial. Though, they have been mentioned in the US Constitution, the profiling is very ambiguous: "nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation." The whole policy, in itself, is not outrageous. It could in fact be beneficial. For example, fire stations need to be placed in a certain range to effective. However, the ambiguity of the eminent domain constraints have been misused by the government in the pursuit of corporatism, backstabbing the people. It has allowed big businesses cheap property with almost no liability. The government makes some verisimilitude of "public use" with promises of economic growth against the citizens' worry over the destruction of schools and numerous homes, like in the case of Detroit in 1981. While others might say that the condemnation of land for economic growth is a form of "public use," private land is "PRIVATE." Private firms have no liability to continue operating, and this has happened in many situations: Pfizer in New London, Chevrolet in Detroit, etc. A casino brings brings pleasure to the community reducing stress, so that is also of public property. NO! Property for "public use" is controlled by the government, and so such should be the case with property on the condemned land, or firm should be in the grip of the government. For instance, public utility companies are natural monopolies that earn most of their revenue through the government (taxes). I am not saying we should start marching on government offices with sticks and knives, nor am I saying that we should carry out Gandhi-like protests. We should also not each act like a Lone Ranger, targeting each and every small case where eminent domain was utilized unfairly. But, instead, the it should be dealt nationally. "Public use" and "proper compensation" need to be defined free of the Constitution's ambiguity.


Saturday, December 7, 2019

Man[goes] to Path

I just wanted to visited Asagai's ideology on how reality flow in the linear path as compared to Beneatha's circular path.

To begin with I would to like to say that I believe that path for humanity is a spiral while that of the environment ( Universe - humanity = Environment ) is of an opposing spiral. It is like that of DNA. But this DNA like structure will only exist during the time period of human existence, since it is from our perspective.

I think this is why people think that the same event just repeats itself while it is in reality it is similar, but skewed in some ways. If there are 2 really similar events, then I think that if a line connects these 2 points in the spiral history, then this line would be "parallel" to whole flow of the double spiral of the universe.

The individual spirals need not to be the same size. It seems to have take a longer time in past to complete one circular spiral or in physics' terms, a longer period. I think these spirals have condensed to have shorter periods, mostly due to faster development and increased experience. But this period has probably not been decreased a lot since otherwise the period of Environmental spiral would also have to decrease its period of the spirals. However, while humanity has heavily effected the Earthly environment, it has only affected a minute portion of the spacial environment.

For example, the 2 World Wars seem to be comparable to the Napoleonic Wars more than each other, because we see political unrest in the time period between the 2 World Wars and also during the Napoleonic Wars. Both collections were also followed by a sort "Cold Wars" in their own way.

But now that I am spending more time thinking about this complex double spiral system of flow of universe, I feel like there are certain topics that developing (shorter period) than others.
Technology > Human Equality

So wait does this mean that the Human spiral path is composed of smaller spirals that average out to be the bigger spiral and this also applies to the Environmental spiral path.

I feel like I am being idiotic right now or too big brain. OOOOOF!
I mean at least I won't be made fun of by many people since I only get like 3 views.