Sunday, November 1, 2020

Man[goes] to His Memories


In Switzerland in Zurich (probably taken by me)

In general, they were simpler, funnier times. I didn't have much to worry about. I would just go to school, come home, play some cricket, study for tests, etc. I didn't have the pressure of doing every activity properly either for my grade or do get into a college of high status. It's hard to explain. They were just simpler time. 

You know what, I'll try to explain it. There was just less responsibility. It was a time of innocence. And the picture above was taken during a vacation in which we visited Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

One of the main things was that at that point of time I was still the only child. Is it still a "main" thing? Not really, I guess. But I guess it was easier back then.

I had no worries during that trip except for the cold and snow getting my shoe. But now, every time I am on a road trip or something, I always think about school or something.

The thing is people think I don't care. "Some people" think that I don't really worry about school or any other work. But in reality I am hella worried. But I think I have just become immune to it. I mean I still have stage fright and stuff but a lot of pressure associated with submitted work has gone down.

My goal is to be as cool as the mountaintops shown in the picture when I am faced with a stressful/emotional situation. 

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