Soundtrack 2 My Life - Kid Cudi
"No sitcom could teach Scott about the dram" - He talks about how life is not like how it is depicted in media and TV shows and such. This shows that life should not be filled with dreams that have no chance of getting met and such.
We also see that he was raised only by his mom. He always wondered how she got enough money to buy him his Christmas presents and appreciates her dear effort for him.
However, there are always hidden things that people can not perceive. And for Cudi, it is the hidden seed of sadness within him.
The chorus conveys that he is finally exposing this sadness within him. As such, he moves up from the typical theme of drugs and such, and instead focusing on mental health. Instead he mentions how he took "an eighth of shrooms" just to find the true meaning of the world and see the true intent of the universe.
The sadness within him apparently started when his dad died. And he talks about his sadness openly because he doesn't want people to be left alone in their sadness. He goes on to say how he feels alone and seems like he is trapped in a dark cocoon. There is no happiness as shown with no sunlight. As such, this also provides a precursor to the song Pursuit of Happiness.
Then he goes on to talk about how he is close to trying new drugs and already consumes alcohol and some drugs. He also mentions questionable coping mechanisms like sex and weed. This shows how people falling to bad habits is not always not their fault.