Thursday, February 18, 2021

Man[goes] to Read People (Hopefully as Easily as a Book)

So, yeah.... I put pieces of a puzzle together. The whole picture of a house in the middle trees was born. So yeah ... Oh, and nothing was leftover since all the pieces were needed to be used.

Anyway in seriousness, reading people has become an important skill of me so I can both avoid "bad" people and mingle with "good" people. Well, of course there are in between. And these "bad" people might not seem bad to others and these "good" people might not seem good to others since everyone has different perspectives and opinions.

Anyway, a very important part of reading people is putting various events together, be it displayed attitudes, reactions to certain problems, their comments, their hobbies, periods of dishonesty, periods of trust and honesty, etc. This can also differ based on the type of interaction. Like, reading people through voice chats in Discord is different than interactions in real life. In Discord, leading on with the example, a lot needs to understand through comments, silences, tone of voice, etc. In person, however, one can read the body language and facial expressions and such.

But, this is not perfect and this is also not the same as judging people. It is way to more easily understand people and to create realistic expectations.

Again, however, this needs to be taken with many grains of salt, because many of the pieces to help guide in creating an understanding of a person can be misunderstanding. For instance, I laugh at precarious situations, like when there are friends explaining their difficulties. I don't do that because I don't care, but because I just find it funny about how the world smites everybody. LMAO, you also have this problem. Damn, sad. Well, Life . . .

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